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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Space Force Guardians Who Reenlist in Certain Jobs Could Make Up to $360,000

Article Title: Space Force Guardians Who Reenlist in Certain Jobs Could Make Up to $360,000

Article Snip: "...The list of jobs eligible for the Selective Retention Bonus, or SRB, were not publicized in a news release this week, but the eligible careers were provided to by a spokesperson on Friday. The bonuses are aimed at retaining skilled Guardians in some of the service's most crucial job fields. They include: ..."

Article Reference: Military Veteran News

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Biden 2024 is hiring a DEI director: Team wants an executive on $120,000 to make sure there's 'diversity' across the presidential election team

Article Title: Biden 2024 is hiring a DEI director: Team wants an executive on $120,000 to make sure there's 'diversity' across the presidential election team

Article Snip: "...They will also be responsible for upskilling and further educating campaign staff around DEI. The focus is strategic and programmatic in nature and experience in the DEI space is essential,' the job description reads.

Other responsibilities include the development of DEI workshops for staffers so they can keep up with the latest sensitivities on issues of race, sex, and gender. ..."

Article Reference:

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

More Hard Times Ahead | Hints of jobs slowdown put Fed on the alert

Article Title: Hints of jobs slowdown put Fed on the alert

Article Snip: "...weakness in the labor market add to the central bank's list of risks to manage. ...With inflation still running above the central bank’s 2% target, the fear is that any further softening in labor conditions could start to snowball and put economic growth at risk. “Any change in the outlook for the labor market could have significant implications for the direction of the economy and monetary policy,” said Rubeela Farooqi, chief US economist at High Frequency Economics. “If there is one thing we know for sure, it is that conditions change very quickly.” ..."

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